Cherries… Gone before you know it!

Cherries as far as the eye can see!

For a few weeks during the late spring and early summer cherries flood into the market.  They, like strawberries, are the indicator that summer is on it’s way.  Each week at market I noticed how quickly the varieties changed.  For two weeks in early May the Brooks had the spotlight, but then they were gone, only to be replaced by the Chelans, then Rainers and Lapins, and finally the Bings in late June.   Funny thing is if you blink you’ll miss a specific variety due to their extremely short season. Continue reading

Summer is Coming!!!

Yellow Nectarines & Flavor Rosa Pluots

For the past month I’ve been waiting for any sign of summer.  Constantly checking the calendar, and then going out side in the hopes of seeing the sun and feeling any type of warm weather.  This year, like last, the Central Coast’s spring was hijacked by winter.  Day after dreary day, it seemed that summer would never arrive.  That is until this week.  While I was walking the Tuesday night market in Monterey I saw fruits reminiscent of summer.  My eyes weren’t deceiving me, the stone fruits are here and they’re wonderful! Continue reading

The darker side of strawberry returns

I recently received an email asking me when we were going to be making our Strawberry Balsamic Preserves and if it would be possible to order a case because as she says, “I could actually eat it with a spoon.”

Strawberry Balsamic Preserves

Good news,  a batch of Strawberry Balsamic Preserves was made yesterday.  The balsamic adds a richness to the strawberries that I just love.  It’s wonderful paired with cheeses, preferably a blue or a goat, on scones for breakfast, or just straight from jar.